Department of Health launches free COVID-19 info app within two weeks


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  • Photo: Mark Owens, managing director of CIVICA NI

    The Department of Health has launched a free Covid-19 information app which was delivered in two weeks by Belfast-based cloud software specialists CIVICA, in partnership with Big Motive.

    The mobile app includes a virtual symptom checker for coronavirus leading the user to further medical advice and information, and a chatbot to answer users’ questions. It also has a push notification service to alert users with any major changes to official guidelines or medical advice.

    CIVICA Northern Ireland’s managing director Mark Owens said the app is “one of the first dedicated tool of its kind in the UK and Ireland” and added that the app’s chatbot will be enhanced and expanded with time, usage and feedback.

    He continued: “Our brief was to provide a trusted single source of information dedicated to providing the population of Northern Ireland with immediate advice that should ease pressure on GP surgeries, pharmacies and of course hospitals.

    RELATED: 5,000 people use free Irish COVIDMedBot within two days of its launch

    “I cannot stress how unprecedented it is in our industry to produce an app of this nature so quickly and we could not have done it without the skills and dedication of our developers who were determined to do their best to support our amazing NHS.

    “We all know the pressure on our medical services is going to be extraordinary and we believe this is going to be a critical tool for those who need local information immediately.

    Mark also stressed that every local business should come together to fight the pandemic.

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    The app is available on the Google Play, Apple and Windows 10 app stores. A spokesperson also said that the app does not collect personally identifiable information, adding “we validate the user is from NI by requesting an NI postcode, but we do not ask name, address or anything like that. 

    “This can be a very contentious area and needs to be covered very carefully.  I have seen reports of Chinese government apps that have raised concerns.

    “HSCNI will be able to analyse users and how they navigate the app which will include analysis of the postcodes and other options selected but that is all.”

    RELATED: Irish data analytics centre offering AI help to companies in COVID-19 fight

    Source: Written from press release

    About the author

    Niamh is a Sync NI writer with a previous background of working in FinTech and financial crime. She has a special interest in sports and emerging technologies. To connect with Niamh, feel free to send her an email or connect on Twitter.

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