Major free job fair to take place in Belfast this March


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  • Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA has announced a major Job Fair in Belfast this March with over 60 employers taking part, including those from the care, manufacturing, construction, hospitality and financial services sectors. 

    The Job Fair, which will be held at the Europa Hotel in Belfast on Tuesday 24 March 2020 between 11am and 4pm, has been organised by the Department for Communities in partnership with Belfast City Council. 

    Minister Hargey said “At a time when levels of employment have hit a record high and employers continue to grow their business, I am delighted that my Department is working in partnership with Belfast City Council to host this Job Fair.

    "The Department for Communities is committed to bringing local talent and our business together to ensure that people can be matched to job opportunities.

    "The Job Fair provides a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking for a job or changing career direction to meet with employers who have available vacancies.

    "I would really encourage anyone seeking work or employment advice to come along on the 24 March to see the opportunities on offer.”

    Gordon Milligan, Deputy Chief Executive from Translink, one of the employers taking part in the Job Fair, said: “This is a great way to meet jobseekers and share information of the various opportunities available within Translink. It is an exciting time to join Translink with work getting underway on the Belfast Transport Hub.

    "This project will transform public transport and offer jobs based in the heart of Belfast. We encourage those seeking a career in the transport industry to ‘get on board’ with us as we continue our journey towards making public transport the ‘first choice for travel’ for everyone in Belfast”.

    The Job Fair will coincide with Belfast City Council’s 5th Festival of Learning, which runs from 23 to 29 March 2020.

    Lord Mayor of Belfast, Cllr Daniel Baker said “A key aspect of Council’s community plan, the Belfast Agenda, is providing access to job opportunities by tackling barriers to employment to match residents to employment opportunities right across the city.

    "The Belfast Job Fair is a free event which will help people learn about what opportunities are out there, improve their employment prospects and hopefully will even lead to a new job or career. Practical advice and support is also available, from writing CVs to help in completing application forms and interview techniques.

    "I’m encouraging anyone, young or young at heart, who’s interested in brushing up their CV skills or searching for their next job opportunity to come along to the Europa Hotel on 24 March and speak to the many businesses, organisations and careers experts who are there to answer questions and offer advice.”

    Further information about the Job Fair is available by contacting Employer Services Branch, telephone 028 9037 6183 or visiting

    Source: Written from press release

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