Leadership and AI summit taking place in Belfast tomorrow


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  • Photo: MLN's Kevin Kelly & Professor Niall McKeown

    A management and leadership summit is taking place at Titanic Belfast tomorrow morning, which is expected to attract around 500 leaders from all sectors across Northern Ireland.

    Attendees will hear from the likes of Oscar-Winning film producer and educator, Lord David Puttnam CBE, and Sean O’Connor, co-founder of successful Newry tech firm STATSports.

    Lord Puttnam’s films which include The Mission and Chariots of Fire, have won 10 Oscars and 25 BAFTAs. Now residing in West Cork, Puttnam has become a passionate voice in tackling climate change and encouraging Ireland to embrace digital and artificial intelligence (AI).

    STATSports has grown from humble beginnings in Newry to become the world-leading provider of GPS player tracking and analysis equipment with clients including Premier League football teams Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester City.

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    Digital transformation strategist Niall McKeown will present on the topic of ‘Disrupting Leadership: The Impact of AI’. Speaking ahead of the event he said:

    "Technologists will typically deliver what is asked of them, it’s what the leaders are asking of them that will be dictate the competitive advantage of many organisations in the future. The reality is that leaders will not be replaced by artificial intelligence but those who understand artificial intelligence will replace those that don’t. The days of leaders taking pride in delegating all things AI are over".

    The event will be chaired by business commentator Justin Urquhart Stewart and delegates will also hear from former fighter pilot Mandy Hickson who has operated in some of the most hostile environments on the planet. The conference is being organised by the Management & Leadership Network (MLN), and is the pinnacle of the 2020 Management Month Festival. 

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    MLN’s Kevin Kelly commented: “Now is the time for our managers and leaders to seek out new ways to gain a competitive advantage and to act. We have put together a line-up of world-class performers, disruptive thinkers and legends in their profession, who will share insights and experiences designed to help attendees shift perspective, see the opportunity and then galvanise them to seize it”.

    Managers and leaders from all sectors are being encouraged to attend. For more info go to www.mln.org.uk/summit/ or alternatively contact MLN by telephone on 028 9076 1030 or by email at info@mln.org.uk

    Source: Written from press release

    About the author

    Niamh is a Sync NI writer with a previous background of working in FinTech and financial crime. She has a special interest in sports and emerging technologies. To connect with Niamh, feel free to send her an email or connect on Twitter.

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