Raise Accelerator helping Belfast start-ups set up

  • A group of business figures in Northern Ireland have launched a business development programme based in Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter named ‘Raise Accelerator’.

    The six-month intensive programme offers six local start-ups the opportunity to build strong foundations for their business with the aim to accelerate and raise investment, getting them investor ready in return for 6% stake in their business. 

    The programme was created by Raise Ventures, a Venture Capital (VC) structure dedicated to business start-ups. It launched earlier this year and has already led to several success stories, from securing investor funding to helping launch a new brand to global markets.

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    Jenny Ervine from Raise Ventures said; “We are looking for founders with a start-up idea, who have identified an opportunity to scale that idea into a large addressable market. They must have some understanding of the problem they are trying to solve, the route to market, how they will generate revenue from their idea, as well as some knowledge of who their competitors are.

    “From the first Raise Accelerator Programme intake we have three great success stories. Armour, new innovative legislative software has already built a prototype, talked to a range of investors and secured pre seed funding.

    “SWIS, an app that pauses playback on podcasts or audiobooks when you fall asleep is about to launch in the App Store and Batch Buddy has developed their ecommerce website and opened pre orders for their new innovative cocktail batching product. A VIP Batch Buddy launch with a product showcase will be happening at Raise on 15th August.

    Start-ups on our programme have joined our Raise sessions to prepare them for running their business operations, beyond the writing of a business plan, with them view to making them smarter and more adaptable.”

    The next Raise event is on the 16th October at the Duke of York bar in Belfast, during Startup Week Belfast.

    Find out more information and how to apply here.

    About the author

    Niamh is a Sync NI writer with a previous background of working in FinTech and financial crime. She has a special interest in sports and emerging technologies. To connect with Niamh, feel free to send her an email or connect on Twitter.

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