Tech Trailblazers

Tech Trailblazers: Oran McMenamin


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  • Name: Oran McMenamin

    Job title: Associate Test Engineer at Bazaarvoice Belfast 

    What does your typical day look like?

    A bit of software testing, many cups of tea and generally bugging developers.

    What are you currently working on?

    I am currently working on an application which is taking parts from two of my teams legacy products and delivering them with a brand new UI to fit in with the other products in the Bazaarvoice portal. I am responsible for testing each component to ensure the product is of the highest quality.

    What inspired you to join this company in particular?

    Having graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 2018 with a BEng in Computer Science, I started my career at Randox in a software testing role and joined Bazaarvoice in November 2020. I love what Bazaarvoice stands for. People are the most important aspect of a company and BV have gone out of their way to ensure they’ve made people a priority, both in their hiring process and daily practices.

    Did you always want to work in the tech industry?

    Like I’m sure many other people that were choosing their degree, I was never really sure exactly what I wanted to do. I was always interested in technology so it made sense to pursue that as far as possible and here I am years later enjoying my work every day, ensuring software quality for a major American company.

    What’s your favourite part about your work?

    Definitely the people I work with, any job would be boring if you didn’t get on with the people you work with. It’s also reassuring to know that everyone in the team has my back and I can go to any one of them for advice or help on a particular subject.

    What would you say to other people considering a job in the tech industry?

    If you’re passionate about it then go for it! The best thing about the tech industry is you don’t have to have went to uni for so many years to land yourself a job, there are many paths you can take. As long as you are driven and enjoy learning new skills there will always be a place for you.

    How do you see this technology impacting on our lives?

    BV is working on so many products and technologies all geared toward making it easier for the customer every time they are making an online purchase. The use of ratings and reviews give customers that peace of mind and sense of security that they are making the right choice in an overwhelming market. We are working to make your purchasing decisions quicker and more informed.

    Who inspired you to work in this field?

    No one person but more an interest in technology lead me to choose my Computer Science degree and my experience during my placement year lead me towards the quality aspect of software development, which I enjoy much more, as opposed to the actual development work itself.

    What do you consider to be the most important tech innovation or development in recent years?

    Smart watches are extremely handy for tracking aspects of your personal health among other things. Workouts, heart rate and even sleep all tracked and analysed from your wrist!

    What gadget could you not live without?

    My wireless headphones are perfect for dealing with noisy buskers in a city centre office.

    Read more about our Tech Trailbazers on Sync NI here. Find out more about Bazaarvoice Belfast's job opportunities on our Jobs page here.

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