Belfast International Homecoming conference next month invites NI diaspora to come home


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  • Speakers from Bazaarvoice and other tech from around the world will speak at next month's annual Belfast International Homecoming conference next month.

    Now in its seventh year, the Belfast International Homecoming conference helps to reconnect Northern Ireland's diaspora with the city, let them know how things have changed in the local industries, and invite them to come back to the city. This year's Homecoming event is due to take place in just two weeks from October 1st to October 2nd.

    This year's event is particularly important as the city begins to rebuild from the effects of Covid-19, and the whole event will take place virtually and will be accessible worldwide. The 2020 Homecoming will also help to highlight some of the exceptional talent that has come from abroad and now calls Belfast their home.

    A global team has come together under the theme ‘We are Team Belfast’ to support the event, with 70 speakers lined up from around the world to speak. Bazaarvoice Chief Executive Keith Nealon from Austin, Texas, will be speaking at the event and Bazaarvoice is one of its top sponsors. Major educators due to speak at the event include University of Massachusetts President Marty Meehan, and Cambridge University Pro-Vice Chancellor Eilis Ferran.

    Belfast’s Lord Mayor, Alderman Frank McCoubrey commented: "Despite the global difficulties resulting from the pandemic, Belfast remains very much open for business and Team Belfast is determined to continue to build on our growing reputation as an attractive location for people to study, visit, invest and trade. The last six months have been challenging for everyone but I believe that we have risen to the challenge as a city and our response has demonstrated our resilience and ‘can do’ attitude."

    Seamus Cushley, Vice-President of R&D and Site Lead of Bazaarvoice in Belfast said the firm is proud to be the headline sponsor of this year's event:

    "While we are a global company, Bazaarvoice is putting down deep roots in Belfast’s growing tech industry and we want to showcase Northern Ireland as a great place to live and work. As we play our part in growing the knowledge economy and developing skills here, we believe it is important to support events like The Homecoming, which are focused on the future and determined to bring a message of positivity and optimism in these unusual times."

    Source: Written based on press release


    About the author

    Brendan is a Sync NI writer with a special interest in the gaming sector, programming, emerging technology, and physics. To connect with Brendan, feel free to send him an email or follow him on Twitter.

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