Tech-inspired Belfast aquarium plans up for approval


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  • Plans for a new tech-inspired aquarium in the Titanic Quarter of Belfast are currently underway by Belfast City Council.

    Planning officers recommended approval for reefLIVE’s £12m aquarium on the Queen’s Road opposite the Titanic Hotel, a short distance from Titanic Belfast visitor attraction.

    A final decision will be taken by Belfast city councillors at a meeting of planning committee next Tuesday 18 August.

    The reefLIVE aquarium is expected to create 50 new jobs, along with new construction roles and apprenticeships.

    Despite the current impact of Covid-19 on the tourism sector, Belfast City Council expects the attraction to draw more than 300,000 visitors each year when it potentially opens its doors in 2022.

    The council also anticipates it to be the largest marine-life visitor attraction on the island of Ireland, which will help to boost the length of each tourist visit to the city.

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    It will include an immersive experience using high quality live displays of exotic sea creatures.

    The idea for the aquarium was originally proposed in July last year

    Keith Thomas, managing director of reefLIVE Ltd commented:  “TV programmes such as the BBC’s Blue Planet 2 appeal across generations and strike a chord with a very wide audience, inspiring debate, engagement and activism about how we manage and protect our marine environment and wildlife.

    “We believe that UK Aquaria have a responsibility to prioritise their role in promoting conservation of that environment through education and inspirational experiences."

    The exhibitions will aim to focus on environmental and sustainability issues, using storytelling tech to showcase the importance of safeguarding and preserving ocean life.

    Mr Thomas continued: “We believe that this kind of fully involved experience can help influence or challenge behaviours, and shape the attitudes of a generation that already has so much access to information that they are no longer interested in generic or passive experiences."

    Brian Kelly, a director at the project’s planning consultants, Turley commented: "Investment in Northern Ireland’s tourism and leisure sector will prove vital for the region’s recovery in a post-COVID world. The aquarium plans have been enthusiastically welcomed by the general public, and city stakeholders, and we welcome the recommendation for approval by Belfast City Council officers.”

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