Belfast ranked in top 10 Tech Cities of the Future

  • Belfast has placed ninth in the top 10 tech cities of the future according to fDi Intelligence, a specialist division from the Financial Times.

    fDi Intelligence provides insight and analysis on cross-border expansion, greenfield inward investment and foreign direct investment trends.

    Andrew Jenkins, Fintech Envoy for Northern Ireland reacted to the news proudly: “Confirmation that Belfast has been ranked in the inaugural top 10 “Tech Cities of the Future” for 2021/2021 by fDi Intelligence, one of the world’s premiere publications for the business of globalisation is another significant endorsement of the burgeoning tech sector in Belfast and indeed Northern Ireland as a whole. To be ranked above the world leading financial hubs such as Frankfurt and Zurich are testament to this.

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    “There are many reasons why Belfast is fast becoming a world beating tech destination and prime investment material. The resiliency, adaptability, and innovation at the heart of the sector here along with the talent on offer is continually noted by those global businesses who have already invested here. Despite the challenges posed by coronavirus, there is an energy and drive about the sector, and it is important that we harness this energy as we move forward.

    “It is important to also recognise the success of our peers in Dublin who have also made the top 10 list. There is a great relationship between the tech sectors in Dublin and Belfast and recognition of the two cities is indicative of the potential right across the island of Ireland. As we approach the end of the Brexit transition period, we know that cross-border cooperation will be vital into the future.”

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    “By continuing to work together, we know that we can build on this success and nurture the skills and talent which will see us remain at the forefront of the tech sector long into the future.”

    Last summer, Belfast was also ranked third overall in fDi magazine’s inaugural Fintech Location of the Future for 2019/20, preceded only by London and Singapore. It was additionally named one of the best cities in the UK for tech workers, according to Tech Nation.

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    Less than 100 miles away, Dublin ranked third in the magazine’s top 10 future tech cities of 2020/21.

    The Republic of Ireland’s capital ranked second in the Economic Potential category, with Ireland excelling in various country level data points, including the 2020 Index of Economic Freedom.

    Dublin also gained the highest level of capital investment in software research and development out of all locations analysed, thus making it stand out in the FDI Performance category.

    About the author

    Niamh is a Sync NI writer with a previous background of working in FinTech and financial crime. She has a special interest in sports and emerging technologies. To connect with Niamh, feel free to send her an email or connect on Twitter.

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