Public don't trust new tech changes in businesses, Fujitsu report finds

  • Photo: David Clements, Client Director at Fujitsu

    48% of people believe large companies don’t care about the impact of emerging technologies on the world, according to new research from tech firm Fujitsu.

    The report, named ‘Driving a trusted future in a radically changing world’ analysed data from more than 600 business leaders and 2,000 consumers across Britain and Northern Ireland.

    It found that people have increasing concerns that organisations are not ready for new technological changes yet.

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    The study suggests customers have fears about the risks of data sharing and over-reliance on technology in particular.

    The report argues that businesses must therefore regain public trust by becoming transparent data handlers who can clearly demonstrate that they manage and regulate their data responsibly.

    Only a quarter of citizens feel positive about what lies ahead while business leaders are eager to accelerate the scale, breadth and depth of digital transformation for fear of being left behind.

    In contrast to the general public, 57% of leaders in private and public sectors feel well-prepared for the change that has taken place in the last five years, with 79% believing technology will be vital to their future success.

    However, it was clear that beneath the positivity there lurks an undercurrent of doubt – with 58% of leaders stating that consumer nervousness and concern has stopped them from adopting certain technologies.

    Fujitsu states that this delay and doubt will only be overcome if business leaders implement future technology changes which prioritise the public and customers’ trust above all else.

    While there is a clear issue with public trust, the report also found that businesses are aware of this issue and are keen to contribute to society outside of their organisations, with over half (53%) stating that they are seeking to consciously drive positive change through CSR activity.

    David Clements, Client Director at Fujitsu NI, commented: “Every industry has faced digital disruption in recent years and one thing is certain, there is no sign of it slowing down.

    "This research has been beneficial in showing that, to contend with the greater pace of change, many businesses will need to take a more holistic and radical approach to planning in the coming years. Building and maintaining public trust through digital transformation will be vital going forward.

     “Businesses should endeavour to find balance between respect for customers’ feelings towards technology and accelerating technology adoption – undoubtedly a dilemma for today’s leaders.”

    Fujitsu commissioned the research report to "explore what’s holding organisations back from true digital transformation, to get a greater understanding of the public’s experiences, expectations and to discover how organisations can accelerate progress whilst maintaining the precious commodity that is trust."

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