Liberty IT awarded for gender diversity advancements


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  • Liberty IT has received the Bronze Diversity Charter Mark for its progression of gender diversity in the workplace.

    The Belfast and Dublin-based technology arm of Liberty Mutual Insurance said: “We are so pleased to have achieved this award, which is an important recognition of the work undertaken to date.”

    The company has listed three initiatives it wishes to work on to establish future diversity development:
    • increasing the number of applications by female students
    • recruitment and training for women returning to work, and
    • pre- and post-maternity mentoring.

    Dianne Gallagher, Talent Operations Manager at Liberty IT, said, “It is well known that the proportion of females in STEM roles is significantly lower than that of males, so the importance of attracting, developing and engaging female applications (whether internal or external) has never been more important. The commitments we made for the Diversity Charter Mark allow Liberty IT to focus on the development and promotion of female applicants both into and within the business.”

    Throughout 2019, Liberty IT has had presence at Belfast Pride, partnered with Women in Tech, STEM working groups and Code First Girls, and sponsored Belfast IT Girls at Belfast Metropolitan College.

    Christine White, Head of Diversity Mark NI commented, “We are delighted to award Liberty IT with a Bronze Diversity Charter Mark today. The Charter has enabled organisations to identify and reflect on institutional barriers facing women and minorities, which impact progression on the career ladder. Through this, organisations have also taken steps to progress the overall diversity and equality agenda and improve the working environment for everyone.”

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