HSL to launch new NI remote healthcare platform


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  • Belfast-based Hospital Services Ltd (HSL) has announced a new potentially revolutionary new HSL Telehealth remote healthcare solution. 
    Health services in the UK have been under severe pressure in recent years due to repeated budget cuts and staffing shortages. Many people are now turning to private alternatives such as the subscription-based Babylon remote GP practice. Now HSL Belfast has announced that it will be delivering its own remote care platform with the launch of HSL Telehealth. 

    HSL’s Telehealth differs from a remote GP consultation in that it's a secure terminal that the user has to physically visit, but the terminal will be in a convenient location such as a pharmacy and they can also be installed in care homes. The terminal contains an encrypted video setup for connecting to a doctor in a hospital and equipment such as a digital stethoscope, heart rate monitors, and ear/nose/throat scopes.

    The system should help reduce travel to appointments, alleviate overcrowding a bit in hospitals, and help those with mobility issues get seen by a doctor more easily. It has the potential to be used for early stroke assessment and gives a point of contact for emergencies that can get an expert doctor involved quickly. 

    The added benefit of decentralising health care in this way is that it will increase the frequency of followups for those in recovery or with chronic conditions. This is extremely important for those recovering from cancer treatment, as early diagnosis of cancer returning can save lives. Patients will also be having data collected by the same equipment each visit, providing a more guaranteed accurate comparison of changes.

    Pilots of the system are planned for rollout across several Northern Ireland health trusts, and it has the potential to significantly improve a lot of people's lives. 

    Dominic Walsh, Chief Executive of HSL, said: “For HSL, the introduction of the Telehealth care delivery model was a natural addition to our existing range of diagnostic imaging and point of care equipment solutions. Our vision is of enabling healthcare professionals with the right solution to meet patients’ needs immediately those needs arise. We firmly believe that, with the support of our international partners, HSL will play a leading role in the digital transformation programme in Northern Ireland’s healthcare sector now and in the future.”

    Source: Written based on press release 

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