Lisburn council shows high hopes for the future of high-street retail

  • Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council hosted its new "Sharing Experience, Shaping the Future" regeneration conference this week, raising high hopes for the future of high-street retail in the area.

    The council's "Sharing Experience, Shaping the Future" event was a big success, with keynote speaker and retail futurist Howard Saunders speaking positively on the potential for regeneration in town centres. The conference brought together top minds and influential people in Northern Ireland to discuss what the future holds for urban regeneration projects across Northern Ireland.

    The conference saw a clear presentation from experts at Planning and Development Consultancy Turley, who shared a bold vision for the sustainable future of town centres like Lisburn. Urban Innovation Company's Steve Peel also provided some insight on the role that Smart Cities will play in the future of regeneration, and Sarah Minn explored pioneering initiatives within Lisburn City Centre such as the Penny Square community space.

    Councillor Uel Mackin spoke strongly on the virtues of the conference: "To host this forward-thinking conference in Lisburn shows the council’s commitment to shaping the future of our urban landscape. The advice from all our speakers today is that we need to change our way of thinking in terms of reinventing our town and city centres and that the high street is far from dead. It is very encouraging to hear so much positivity from all our experts today."

    Source: Written based on press release

    About the author

    Brendan is a Sync NI writer with a special interest in the gaming sector, programming, emerging technology, and physics. To connect with Brendan, feel free to send him an email or follow him on Twitter.

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