Top 10 exciting NI tech jobs to watch for in 2019


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  • The new year is almost upon us, and for many that means making resolutions to improve their future career prospects. As Northern Ireland's tech sector continues to grow at an impressive pace, new jobs will be opening throughout 2019 that you may be perfect for. But what are the most exciting job opportunities to watch out for in 2019? Here are ten that Sync NI suggests keeping your eyes on:

    #1 - Cyber-Security Analyst
    Northern Ireland's Cyber-security field expanded rapidly throughout 2018, and there are some exciting prospects ahead for 2019. Silicon Valley based cyber-security firm Imperva has selected Belfast as the home for its new cyber security hub and hopes to create around 220 new jobs here over the next five years in a variety of roles. Belfast-based cyber security firm Uleska is making waves in the local scene too after securing £500k in investment to expand operations.

    #2 - DevOps Engineer
    We've seen a strong trend throughout 2018 of traditional software developers transitioning to become DevOps Engineers, and this follows several years of evidence showing that DevOps Engineers are more productive. Making the leap to DevOps will require a firm grasp of the entire product development pipeline and the role and tools used will vary between companies, but every major software company is now employing DevOps Engineers in some capacity and the job is usually highly compensated.

    #3 - Cloud Systems Engineer
    Business software solutions have migrated over the past several years from standalone server applications to high-performance cloud-based systems that can be deployed in minutes and scaled up through elastic cloud systems. Cloud Systems Engineers are responsible for implementing and maintaining cloud-based systems and will need in-depth knowledge of commercial cloud services such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. Many NI companies now use and maintain cloud systems, and the role is typically very well compensated.

    #4 - AI Data Scientist
    Many of 2018's most innovative NI tech companies are those that harnessed the power of artificial intelligence and deep learning to produce ground-breaking new technologies. Local successes include NEUROConcise's non-invasive brain-computer interface that has helped unresponsive patients to communicate with family again, and the MachineEye device that uses AI to predict industrial accidents and immobilise machinery. Expect data scientist jobs with a focus on AI to be highly sought after in 2019.

    #5 - Project Manager
    With so many tech firms opening their doors in Northern Ireland throughout 2018 or planning to in 2019, there will be a strong need for people with project management experience in the near future. This role has been transforming recently from a traditional role to a fully digital one requiring skills for managing flexible/remote workers and experience with agile development methodologies and modern digital tools.

    #6 - Full-Stack Developer
    Though every developer tends to specialise in one thing or another, those with a broad grasp of the entire product development cycle that are highly valued. A Full-Stack Developer will have the capability of delivering every stage of a project themselves, and will need knowledge of everything from databases and server administration to software engineering and user interface design. Each job posting for a Full-Stack Developer will probably have its own set of tools and experience required, so get experience with a broad range of tools and APIs and check out every job that comes along -- it might be a perfect fit.

    #7 - Digital Support Specialist
    Customer service and technical support roles still occupy much of the NI workforce, and this is an industry that's rapidly undergoing digital transformation. Support specialists with solid computer skills and experience with the relevant tools are considerably more productive than traditional support staff and command a much higher salary. These jobs may expand throughout 2019 as more support centres modernise their processes, providing advancement opportunities for those in traditional support roles.

    #8 - Equity Researcher
    Northern Ireland's rapidly growing sector is getting global attention, not least of all because we have world-class tech talent but at costs far lower than in the US tech hubs or London. This year saw some massive investments into NI's tech scene, and several innovative local startups have managed to raise substantial sums to expand operations. A dedicated Equity Researcher tends to specialise in one geographic region and type of company, and someone familiar with NI's growing tech scene could soon find themselves in very high demand. The Q3 2018 Upwork Skills report also indicated a global rise in demand for freelance Equity Researchers.

    #9 - Business Intelligence Analyst
    Every company today uses data and processes to make business decisions, and as NI's tech sector expands we can expect more dedicated Business Intelligence Analyst roles to appear. A good analyst for a tech company will need a firm understanding of the product the company makes and experience with powerful data visualisation tools. The role is typically better compensated at tech companies but requires more technical knowledge to collect useful decision-making analytics and make key decisions.

    #10 - Software Developer
    Northern Ireland's largest tech firms are always on the hunt for new software developers, their demand far outstripping the number of qualified graduates each year. There's a virtual war for talent going on in Northern Ireland, with larger firms such as PwC even going as far as to create bespoke university courses and sponsor university places. Companies have begun competing on more than just salary, with several companies moving into prestigious new office locations and offering added benefits. Expect the humble Software Developer with skills in Java, C#, .Net and C++ to continue being highly compensated throughout 2019.

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