Queen's University Belfast President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Ian Greer, said:
“Following on from my statement in March 2021 supporting the ambitions of Ulster University to expand the Magee Campus to 10,000 students, I am pleased to see the launch of the new Ministerial taskforce focused on delivering this important expansion.
"It is vitally important to grow our Higher Education and Further Education sectors to allow enhanced regional balance that will deliver new economic opportunities for Derry/Londonderry. Queen’s has already called for the development of a new sustainable funding model that would offer an opportunity to the 5000 students who leave Northern Ireland each year to stay and pursue their educational journey here.
"This intervention would assist UU with their growth ambitions in the North-West while Queen’s as a committed civic university would continue to focus on expanding our widening participation provision to create more opportunities for young people to enter higher education from a disadvantaged background. We stand ready to assist and support the taskforce in their work when appropriate and we wish them every success in their endeavours”.
Source: Queens University Press Office