Ten local CEOs arrived at MIT in Boston on Sunday, January 20th to kick off the new
Way to Scale programme. Photo credits: John Knapton

Boston during a big freeze. Temperatures at -24C with wind chill, and the Charles River is completely frozen over

What is the meaning of innovation? MIT's Entrepreneurship Development Program kicks off on Sunday afternoon with CEO and serial entrepreneur BIll Aulet speaking

Dharmesh Shah, CEO and co-founder of Hubspot speaks to the entrepreneurs

Sixteen teams are to be formed with an eclectic mix of global entrepreneurs, to develop 16 ideas over the next week, testing the "disciplined entrepreneur" process. It's shaping up for close to 20% of the teams to be based on Team NI ideas

It's blue skies in Boston despite the frigid temperatures!

Roison Molloy of Belfast's TriMedika at MIT

View of the Boston skyline from Cambridge. From left: Daniel Crawford, Adrienne Hanna, Roisin Molloy, Leann Monk, Bob Pollard, John Knapton

View of the Boston skyline from Cambridge. From left: Daniel Crawford, Adrienne Hanna, Roisin Molloy, Leann Monk, Bob Pollard, John Knapton
NI entrepreneurs pitch ideas developed during the week-long workshop at MIT
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