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Paula Kennedy Garcia gives TedX talk at stormont


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  • Paula Kennedy Garcia takes us on an enlightening journey as she explores the intersection of generational insights, technological evolution, and the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on our collective future.

    She delves into the predictions of the past and unravels how Generation X serves as the catalyst for navigating the challenges posed by AI. From the reshaping of workforces to the cognitive shifts in the digital age as well as the pivotal role of strong interpersonal skills, Paula uncovers the multifaceted landscape of our future.

    Discover how Generation X, drawing on its unique experiences, is poised to be the enabler of the next generation in an era where humans and AI coexist. Together, let's embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the opportunities and responsibilities that lie ahead.

    Customer experience thought leader, innovator and foresight strategist, Paula Kennedy Garcia has been at the forefront of conversations that shape the intersection of global brands and technology in the age of automation and Artificial Intelligence.

    Renown for her visionary thinking, Paula has earned multiple awards for her innovation and futurist leadership, fuelling growth and advancing customer and user experiences with the use of emerging technologies like AI, neuroscience, machine learning and language translation, as well as creating pioneering solutions for digital health and well-being, global online safety and the gig-economy, to name a few.

    A prolific Forbes Technology Council contributor, she champions the importance of human-centred design at the core of machine-driven transformative change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

    Watch it here: How Generation X can save Generation Next in a future of AI | Paula Kennedy Garcia | TEDxStormont (

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