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AI in Recruitment: A Helpful Partner, Guided by Human Hands

  • Written by Jemma Simpson, CEO,

    In the dynamic landscape of recruitment, AI is quickly emerging as a crucial ally. While AI has the potential to significantly streamline processes, it is important not to lose sight of the importance of the decision-making capabilities of recruitment professionals. AI does now have the capabilities to take decisions out of the hands of recruitment professionals, but should it?

    AI, like a diligent student, learns from the data and programming it's fed. These inputs reflect the world they come from, carrying the nuances and patterns of past decisions. For example, an AI trained on historical hiring data might unintentionally mirror past preferences. It's a reminder that AI's guidance is shaped by the world it 'sees' through its data and its programming. If the data is limited, the AI's perspective may be too narrow, much like if it were viewing the world through a keyhole.

    AI's role isn't always a cause for concern, though. In some contexts, like safety-focused settings or personalized recommendations in streaming services, AI's biased, data driven approach, is beneficial, enhancing experiences and ensuring safety.

    When it comes to recruitment, however, the considerations are more nuanced. Here, the impact of integrating biases, even subtly, into automated processes can have significant negative effects on people's lives and careers. This is where the discerning and empathetic human touch becomes invaluable.

    At, we've carefully considered the role of fully autonomous AI processes in our recruitment application. Our guiding principle has been a simple yet powerful adage: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." In recruitment, AI can be incredibly useful for tasks such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and identifying potential biases. However, we believe these tools should be used with careful human oversight.

    Our Bias Buster tool, for example, is designed to highlight potential biases in job descriptions. While it provides insights, the final decision-making power rests in the hands of the user, blending AI efficiency with human judgment.

    This approach ensures that recruitment decisions are not solely based on algorithmic outputs. Instead, they're enriched by the empathy, ethical considerations, and deep understanding of human interactions that only people can provide.

    In recruitment, AI serves best as an assistant to human judgment, offering its strengths while being guided by the invaluable insights that humans can offer.

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