

Building the Geothermal Energy Sector in Northern Ireland

Following Northern Ireland Geothermal Energy Week (June, 2022) and a geothermal project update workshop (October 2022), the purpose of this workshop is to provide practitioner-informed assessments of key project developments and activity, particularly as they relate to the energy transition and the implementation of Sectoral Plans and Local Area Energy Plans. The workshop is designed to increase information exchange and to encourage project questions and answers.

This workshop is co-organised between Queen’s University Belfast and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. We return to Riddel Hall at Queen’s University following the opening of the new geothermal heated business school building. We welcome Dr Matt Trewhella, Chief Executive Officer, Kensa Heat Pumps, who will provide an update of the UK street-by-street heat networks and the Department for the Economy’s heat energy team will also provide a policy update.


Registration from 9.00 am. Presentation starts 9.30 am.

To register, click here.