Young Belfast investor creates platform to educate public on cryptocurrency


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  • A young Northern Ireland entrepreneur has created an educational platform to help people learn more about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, and how to properly invest in them. 

    22-year-old Johnny McCamley said that "CryptoClear was developed out of a passion to make Crypto Asset investing clear for everyone."

    The young founder started learning and investing in cryptocurrency when he was 17 using his pocket money. Johnny was teaching himself how to go about investing in crypto and after five years of research, his interest has grown into a business to teach others how to do the same.

    He said: “The crypto market has grown exponentially over the past few years. When I started investing, some of the coins used to be worth cents and now are worth $30 dollars or more. Bitcoin has grown from around $430 per coin in 2015 when I started and now worth an incredible $59,000 per Bitcoin.

    "Through my years of experience as a long-time investor in the crypto asset space I have built CryptoClear as an educational platform to give everyone the knowledge to become a confident and successful long-term investor in the crypto asset market.

    "The cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy stage and there is no better time to get involved in the crypto asset space.

    "Our online platform walks you through the complete A-Z of crypto investing and there are many additional features such as market reports, fundamental analysis reports and more.”

    Johnny graduated from Queen's University Belfast in 2019 with an undergraduate degree in Law, but said that in his final year, he knew it just wasn't the career path for him. 

    “I was spending more and more of my time researching and learning about different crypto assets and I knew that was the career path I wanted to pursue," he noted. 

    "CryptoClear was developed with the goal of creating an education platform that I wish had been around when I first started investing in crypto assets.

    "I want to dispel some of the myths around investing in crypto assets and pass on my knowledge so everyone can make an informed decision about investing in the industry at this early and exciting stage.

    "I have big plans for CryptoClear over the coming months and years. We now have a few hundred people signed up to the course but in the next few weeks I will be adding more features to the website such as the A-Z for short and medium term investing.

    "I also want to take CryptoClear to the next level and get investors involved.

    "I want to set up an exchange to provide a platform for people to trade at more competitive rates than are currently being charged and provide them with a one-stop-shop for everything relating to cryptocurrency- simply put, a bigger and better coinbase.

    "It really is exciting times ahead and I firmly believe that this is only the beginning. I will be expanding the business and getting more people employed to work with me that can take CryptoClear to the next level.”

    CryptoClear membership begins at £29.99 per month, or £299.99 per year. 

    Find out more about CryptoClear here.

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