Northern Irish businesses celebrate wins at the 2020 Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Awards


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  • Danske Bank, Bank of Ireland, and Queen's University were among the winners at this year's Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Awards.

    The fourth annual Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Gala and Awards event took place recently, celebrating diversity and equality initiatives run by some of Northern Ireland's most progressive companies. The awards took place online this year due to Covid-19 and were hosted by local employment law and workplace compliance firm Legal Island.

    Companies use the awards each year to showcase their efforts to promote diversity and equality in the workplace, with nine awards for the best age, disability, gender, LGBT, and racial equality initiatives. There are also awards specifically for large and small businesses, diversity newcomers, and an individual diversity champion award that goes to one person who has made a substantial difference.

    Donna Feenan from Danske Bank won the highly competitive Individual Diversity Champion award, and Danske Bank itself was highly commended in the large company and disability initiative categories. Bank of Ireland NI picked up the win for Best Employer for Equality and Diversity in Northern Ireland (Large), and Queen's University picked up the Best Race Initiative award.

    Age NI understandably won the Best Age Initiative for its fantastic work on combatting ageism in the workplace. Other winners include professional services firm Herbert Smith Freehills, which picked up both the Best Employer for Equality and Diversity in NI (Small) and Best LBGT Initiative awards, Habinteg for Best Disability Initiative, Gilbert-Ash for Best Gender Initiative, and Hutchinson Care Homes for Best First Initiative.

    Legal Island's Founder and Chairman Barry Phillips commented on the awards: "An equal and diverse workplace is a happy and productive one and against a backdrop of exterior obstacles, the workplace should be a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. It’s important to remember that every business and individual shortlisted in this year’s event has a right to feel proud."

    For more information on the awards, head over to the Legal Island website.

    Source: Written based on press release

    About the author

    Brendan is a Sync NI writer with a special interest in the gaming sector, programming, emerging technology, and physics. To connect with Brendan, feel free to send him an email or follow him on Twitter.

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