Axial3D drives 3D printing for initiative for medical equipment parts to fight COVID-19


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  • Belfast-based medical 3D printing company Axial3D has called for any COVID-19 initiative needing 3D printed parts to reach out for assistance, and anyone with 3D printing capacity to help.

    Faced with the scale of the coronavirus outbreak in the UK, tech firms across Northern Ireland have been asking one question: How can we help? Digital donation platform ESTHER has opened for free to all charities and community groups dealing with the fallout, Queen's University has begun research on a treatment, and several companies have come together for the community-driven Open Source Ventilator Ireland initiative.

    Belfast-based medtech firm Axial3D has released an open letter offering its assistance to any initative that can use its services to help against the outbreak. The company specialises in 3D printing for medical applications, and is currently prototyping parts for things such as COVID-19 test kits, swabs, masks, or ventilators, with the goal of mass-producing them at short notice.

    The company has called for any COVID-19 related initiative that needs 3D printed parts or access to 3D printers to reach out to it for help. Axial3D has significant 3D printing facilities in the UK and USA that can provide parts to medical device manufacturers and hospitals, and is requesting that anyone with 3D printing facilities also offer to join them to increase capacity.

    The open letter from Axial3D CEO Roger Johnston reads:

    "I am reaching out to you, our network, to ask for your help. If you are aware of any COVID-19 related initiatives that require 3D printed parts, or you have access to 3D printers and are willing to support our efforts, please reach out or call +44 2890 183 590

    I fully understand the need, especially in these times, for complex and critical surgeries to continue as much as is possible, without interruption from COVID-19, so we will continue to ensure that we maintain capacity to provide you with anatomical models for your surgical planning that I know you often depend on."

    Source: Written based on press release

    About the author

    Brendan is a Sync NI writer with a special interest in the gaming sector, programming, emerging technology, and physics. To connect with Brendan, feel free to send him an email or follow him on Twitter.

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