Catalyst Invent 2020 application date extended to April 24th

  • Catalyst has extended the deadline for applying to its annual Invent tech competition to April 24th, with £33,000 of prizes on the line for ambitious tech inventors.

    Applications for the 2020 Invent awards were due to close tomorrow on March 27th, but coronavirus disruption has affected all of the country's tech startups. The deadline has now been extended by four weeks to April 24th to give inventors time to put together a great submission on their new tech innovations and proof of concept ideas.

    The competition will help reward and highlight Northern Ireland's most promising new tech innovations and proof of conept ideas that have potential for wide commercialisation. A total of £33,000 in prize money will be up for grabs for inventions in any of the competition's six categories:

    - Life & Health Sciences

    - Enterprise Software

    - Creative Media & Consumer Internet

    - Engineering

    - Electronics

    - Agri-Science

    The competition normally involves multiple stages of judging and a final event in which the top inventors can showcase their idea to high-profile individuals in the tech and business community. There's no information yet on whether the full scheme's schedule will be impacted by the extended application phase, but the in-person events aren't scheduled until much later in the year and shouldn't be disrupted.

    If you have a tech innovation or proof of concept for an idea with wide commercialisation, head over to for more details on the competition or to apply.

    Source: Written based on press release

    About the author

    Brendan is a Sync NI writer with a special interest in the gaming sector, programming, emerging technology, and physics. To connect with Brendan, feel free to send him an email or follow him on Twitter.

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