Free event at Omagh library to help people get started blogging


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  • Photo: Linzie King (Assistant Area Manager Libraries NI), Christine Watson (Training Matchmaker) & Deborah King (blogger)

    Omagh Library is hosting a blogging event on Wednesday, 29 January to help aspirational bloggers get started and learn about health and wellbeing.

    The event by for Libraries NI is designed to encourage potential bloggers to get started and receive tips.

    As part of the Libraries NI ‘New Year New You’ campaign, the theme of the January event is health and wellness both online and offline.

    Chartered marketer, Christine Watson of, said the event is for both existing bloggers and those that want to dabble for the first time.

    She said: “Health literacy and digital skills are now necessary life skills and these continue to grow in importance as more and more everyday activities and sources of information and inspiration move online. Most of us know when we are mentally and physically well, but sometimes we need a little extra support to keep well and guidance in terms of being aware of when we need to take more action.”

    RELATED: Start your own blog with help from Libraries NI

    Speaker Deborah King began her blogging journey after attending a ‘Get Blogging’ course by Libraries NI in 2018. She has since spoken at a ‘Get Blogging for Wellness’ showcase.

    She published her first blog on 27 November  2018 and said: “The words that flowed out of my mind, through my pen and onto the page turned out to be a list of things I remember doing, which showed the journey I had taken; from being someone with depression to now being someone who felt empowered and in control of their life.

    “If one of my blogs helps even one person in any way than that is what I call a successful blog. For anyone who is even remotely considering blogging, especially in relation to health and wellbeing, I would urge them to do so.” 

    Julie Reid, Libraries NI Service Development Manager added: “Libraries NI is all about promoting an inclusive society, introducing people to new experiences, ideas and reliable information. Libraries give people the opportunity to access a range of free services, health resources and events which can help improve a person’s health and wellbeing.

    “The shift to online services, in particular, has changed the way in which we live, work and socialise. It is hoped attendees will come away from the workshop equipped with the knowledge and confidence to engage with the five steps to wellbeing in their daily lives both online and offline.”

    RELATED: A guide to workplace mental health

    About the author

    Niamh is a Sync NI writer with a previous background of working in FinTech and financial crime. She has a special interest in sports and emerging technologies. To connect with Niamh, feel free to send her an email or connect on Twitter.

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