Business leaders invited to have their say ahead of election


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  • Photo: NI Chamber’s Ann McGregor (Chief Executive), John Healy (President) and Ian Henry (Vice-President) launch ‘5 Leaders; 5 Days ser

    Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NI Chamber) is offering business leaders an opportunity to engage with party leaders and inform the debate ahead of the election on 12 December.

    The ‘5 Leaders; 5 Days’ series of events allows the parties an opportunity to spell out their policies for business and the economy, while allowing the business community to contribute to and inform the debate on these issues over a five day period. 

    Announcing the return of NI Chamber’s ‘5 Leaders; 5 Days’ series, NI Chamber President John Healy said that the coming election will be a pivotal moment for Northern Ireland and the UK. 

    He said: “Despite the hard work and success of many businesses, indicators show that the Northern Ireland economy is slowing. Businesses are holding back on investment, concerned about cash-flow and in too many cases, unable to push ahead with growth.

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    “If we want the parties to keep the economy at the heart of the political agenda we need to let them know that – loud and clear. NI Chamber is hosting its 5 Leaders; 5 Days series of events over the coming weeks so members can do just that.  At such a critical juncture, this is an opportunity for people in business to interrogate policy positions and, indeed, to encourage policy makers to explore new initiatives and proposals. I would strongly recommend that as many companies as possible use this platform as an opportunity to make their voices heard.”

    The first of the five events takes place on 25 November when Colum Eastwood will outline his party’s plans for the economy. Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill will speak on 26 November, with Alliance’s Naomi Long addressing businesses on 2 December. UUP’s Steve Aiken will speak on 3 December with DUP Party Leader Arlene Foster concluding the series on 6 December. 

    To register, or for more information on these events visit

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