There is a new range of employability support options being offered to jobseekers in Belfast who are unemployed and not in training or education.
Now in the second year of delivery, the five following programmes are now open:
• LEMIS+ targets those most removed from the labour market to get them back into employment.
• JobWorks+ meets the needs of young people aged 16-24 who are not in education, employment, or training to tailor development support and assist them to develop new skills.
• Path 2 Employment engages with those aged 18+ who are unemployed or economically inactive to equip them with transferable skills so that they can secure a job.
• STRIDE offers people with disabilities who are out of work a year of support to secure paid employment, education or training through mentoring, employability skills, qualifications and experience.
• Recruit++ supports people who are unemployed or economically inactive and on the autistic spectrum to find jobs through mentoring and coaching activities to reduce communication barriers.
Councillor Deirdre Hargey, Chair of Belfast City Council’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee said: “All of our ambitions in the Belfast Agenda are about inclusive regeneration. We want to make sure that everyone benefits from a thriving and prosperous economy – and of course that means that we must focus our efforts on reaching out to those most removed from the labour market to get them back into employment.
“Our people are our greatest asset, so we owe it to them to make sure that they’re making social connections, developing skills, reaching their full potential, and giving them a ladder out of poverty towards a better quality of life.”
These opportunities are funded by Belfast City Council, the Northern Ireland European Social Fund and the Urban Villages Initiative.
Find more information on the above programmes here.
Find out the latest tech and business job opportunities from Sync NI here.