Catalyst prepares business leaders and educators for the future of work


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  • Catalyst joined with key industry partners, including headline partner Bank of Ireland UK to deliver the Future of Work Solutions Summit, which saw 300 business leaders, education leaders and HR directors from across the UK and Ireland participate in the day-long event. 

    Focusing on the areas of Future of Jobs, Growth and Learning, and Leading the Change, the Summit supported participants in making significant changes in their organisations, and enabling them to create a competitive, productive workforce fit for the future. 

    The Summit included internationally recognised keynote speaker Ravin Jesuthasan and high-level business and educational leaders from across the UK including Anna Thompson of Google, Will Gosling, Human Capital Partner for Deloitte UK, David D’Souza, Director of Membership for CIPD and Peter Barbour, Director for Allstate. 

    These speakers provided inspiration, experiences and lessons for implementing change and embracing growth and success in an era of change and digital transformation.

    Pictured L-R are: Elaine Smyth (Catalyst), Ian Sheppard (Bank of Ireland UK), Jackie Henry (Deloitte NI), Maxine Mawhinney (host), and Ravin Jesuthasan (keynote speaker)

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