Social Media Bootcamp workshop to run in Belfast this month


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  • Social Bee NI's Louise Brogan and Copper Square Communications' Ashleigh Watson have joined forces to create a social media workshop. 

    The new Social Media Bootcamp workshop will be taking place in Belfast's Titanic Hotel on May 31st this month. The workshop will focus on how local business owners can take advantage of social media channels to enhance their brand and build their client base.

    Business owners in attendance will get a chance to learn from Louise and Ashleigh, and will hear from a range of expert speakers who specialise in social media, branding, video content, and website content. They will also get a chance to network with other business owners in their position who want to maximise their use of social media.

    The event will run from 8.30am to 4pm on Friday 31st May and is a ticketed event, with tickets available from around £106. Attendees will leave the event having developed a plan of action for their business to develop a social media strategy, and will produce a content calendar.

    Source: Written based on press release

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