Kevin Gaskell shares insights with NI business scene


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  • Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted top CEO Kevin Gaskell yesterday at its Growing Something Brilliant event, where he delivered insights to local companies.

    In order for local companies to grow and compete on a national and international level, there are some serious challenges to overcome. Some of those can be improved by policy changes and incentives to help remove barriers to growth for Northern Irish companies, and some of them require a more global way of thinking about business and export.

    The Growing Something Brilliant campaign by the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry is designed to help with these challenges by showcasing some of the best businesses from across Northern Ireland, inspiring companies to accelerate their growth, and asking how the Northern Ireland Executive can help local firms grow.

    The latest event kicked off yesterday at Titanic Belfast in partnership with Electric Ireland, with over 100 businesses in attendance. The event featured a keynote speech from Kevin Gaskell, the former CEO of major automotive brands such as Porsche GB and BMW GB, on what it takes to build an elite brand in the modern era and how companies can stand out in today's crowded marketplaces.

    Source: NI Chamber, Growing Something Brilliant

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