Bombardier Belfast's extensive layoffs announced in 2018 came despite global sales of new aircraft reaching record levels throughout that year, it has been revealed.It's been a record year for aircraft manufacturing according to new figures
reported yesterday by Belfast Telegraph, which indicate that 1,618 new aircraft were delivered last year. This includes 229 craft delivered by giants Boeing and Airbus in December. Airbus is also off to a good start in 2019 thanks to
new interest in the Airbus A220 from Delta Airlines and Jet2 Holidays.
This should be good news for Bombardier Belfast where the wings for the A220 are made, but
the plant announced extensive layoffs late last year and it appears that they are still going ahead. The job losses were announced as part of an industrial strategy to reduce the sale cost of the A220 and are scheduled to go into effect throughout February or March.
Bombardier's future in Northern Ireland is also still looking uncertain for 2019 as
Airbus CEO Tom Enders released a video statement last week suggesting that Airbus could uproot its manufacturing entirely from the UK and move it to another country if a 'no deal' Brexit goes ahead as expected.
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