GCHQ launches all-girls cyber-security training classes


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  • Following the recent successful execution of GCHQ's CyberFirst Girls cyber-security competition, it's now running all-girls training classes in cyber-security to boost the profession's gender equality.

    The Government Communications Headquarters is planning to run a series of female-only classes for cyber-security in an attempt to help improve the profession's gender balance at an early educational level. The current cyber-security workforce worldwide is 90% male, and the recent CyberFirst Girls competition shows that all of today's UK students can have a bright future in the field.

    It's hoped that all-girls classes will help improve the confidence of school-aged girls in cyber skills and allow them to learn in a format that works better for them. The classes will teach skills in cryptography, cyber-security, logic, and coding, and will be offered through the National Cyber Security Centre. 

    Experience has shown GCHQ that girls will take a more reflective approach to the task and take time to answer questions while boys will rush to complete a task, so teaching these skills in mixed classes may be a contributing factor in turning young women off a career in cyber-security.

    Source: Women in Tech

    About the author

    Brendan is a Sync NI writer with a special interest in the gaming sector, programming, emerging technology, and physics. To connect with Brendan, feel free to send him an email or follow him on Twitter.

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