Five NI tech events to look out for in the New Year!


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  • The new year is almost upon us, but is there still space in your January calendar? The coming year is already packed full of events all across the Northern Ireland tech industry, from social meetups to software testing clinics and workshops for those seeking funding.

    Below are five interesting looking events on the already packed Sync NI Events schedule. Check out our full events schedule page to see everything that's coming up in the following month and beyond, and book your spot at any events that require booking.

    [View Event] Silicon Drinkabout Belfast: Startup Community drinks - Jan 9th

    "It's a casual evening of drinks and meeting other like minded Startups and tech people. The format is simple; grab a drink, and get to know others in our growing Belfast Startup community! Most of us don't know each other before we arrive so if you're thinking of joining alone or with others, you will feel welcome! Our members are a friendly bunch and a mix of developers, startup founders, students and investors.

    About Silicon Drinkabout: Silicon Drinkabout is a global community of startups powered by local events. Each city is run by passionate volunteers, fuelled by their love of bringing people together to create meaningful, face to face relationships that go beyond just a professional network. Everyone is welcome!"


    [View Event] Software Testing Clinic Belfast - Identifying Risks - Jan 16th
    "We will return from our Christmas break with the third installment of the Software Testing Clinic Belfast, all about identifying risks. You don't need to have attended a previous session to be able to attend. You don't need to have attended a previous session to be able to attend.

    By the end of the session students will:
     - Describe what a Risk is
     - Apply different techniques for discovering risks
     - Hypothesise different types of risks that might affect a product or project
     - Construct testing activities from risks"


    [View Event] Code Co-Op Social - Jan 17th
    "Take part in our social session to talk about anything programming over a cup of tea or coffee. Want to break the ice? Ask us for a tour of Farset Labs, our challenge events or our members' programming projects!

    We'll be hosted by Farset Labs - a local hackerspace and a charity. They provide outstanding support to the local tech community. If you like the event and the space, please donate £3 pounds to keeping the space open. Warm beverages - tea and coffee - will be provided. Please follow the Farset Labs rules and code of conduct ( while attending the event."


    [View Event] Frameworks Workshop: Funding for Startups - Jan 23rd
    "If you are a pre-revenue startup at proof-of-concept or early stage then join us for a workshop led by Connect member company A&L Goodbody to get a better understanding of the funding opportunities available in NI. Alastair Keith and Catherine Paul from A&L Goodbody will outline the legal implications of a variety of funding options including:

     - friends and family
     - crowd funding
     - seed round funding

    There will be also be a panel discussion and Q&A with local funding providers and entrepreneurs who have successfully secured funding. Find out the things you really need to know. Enjoy the lunch and networking beforehand with other local innovative startups and make new and useful connections."


    [View Event] Digital Catapult NI - Immersive Lab Launch - Jan 30th
    "Located across the UK, the Digital Catapult Immersive Labs are an expanding network of facilities that are supporting the UK’s growing immersive community. Our nationwide network of Immersive Labs are hubs for innovation. They are available for business who are working with immersive technologies to book for demonstrations, specialist development, and showcases.

    We provide introductory sessions to help organisations explore the huge potential of VR and AR technology and content. After an eventful first year of operation the Belfast Digital Catapult Immersive Lab has a new home at the beautifully restored West Wing of the Ormeau Baths complex." 

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