Electrotechnical and Engineering amongst the most popular Frameworks for ApprenticeshipsNI last year


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  • The Department for the Economy has published statistical reports on ApprenticeshipsNI and Higher Level Apprenticeships in Further Education in Northern Ireland, academic year 2023/24.

    This statistical report presents a range of analysis on ApprenticeshipsNI delivered in FE colleges and other training providers covering provision across academic years 2019/20 to 2023/24. The analysis covers the characteristics of those participants starting ApprenticeshipsNI, the number of leavers and the number of leavers who obtained a Full Framework and the number of participants on course at the end of October 2024.

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    Notably, Electrotechnical and Engineering, as well as Health and Social Care, were the most popular Frameworks accounting for 37% of the ApprenticeshipsNI population at the end of October 2024. 

    Engineering and manufacturing technologies was the most popular sector subject area; accounting for 36% of all HLA participation.

    ApprenticeshipsNI starts (7,608) increased by 49% from 2022/23, due partly to the introduction of all-age apprenticeships for those aged 25 years or over. Over one third of ApprenticeshipsNI starts were in this age category.

    Over three-fifths of ApprenticeshipsNI starts were male; 4,772 males compared to 2,836 females.

    In total 57% of Level 2 leavers achieved a Full Framework while 62% of Level 2/3 and Level 3 combined achieved a Full Framework. ApprenticeshipsNI participants at the end of October 2024 shows there were 11,774 participants on ApprenticeshipsNI courses.

    This statistical report presents a range of analysis on the HLAs delivered in FE colleges and the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), covering provision across academic years 2019/20 to 2023/24. The analysis covers the characteristics of those enrolled on HLA courses and performance rates (retention, achievement and success).

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    HLA starts continue to rise; 955 starts, an increase of 13% from 2022/23 whilst approximately one third of HLA starts were female; 305 females compared to 650 males with 1,870 students on an HLA programme.

    The publication reveals a 91% success rate with 500 of the 550 final year HLA students achieving their HLA qualification.

    The full publication, including associated tables and documents, is available on the DfE website at www.economy-ni.gov.uk/articles/higher-level-apprenticeships-northern-ireland-fe-colleges-and-cafre-bulletins

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