The era of AI appraisal: Balancing the potential of humanity with technology


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  • Robert Smith, Director of AI and Data Science at Digital Catapult UK, has spoken about how AI is changing the human experience of daily life. 

    He said: "Today, largely due to the rise of the internet and advances in computer hardware, the various technologies called “AI” are more effective and ubiquitous, permanently woven into our infrastructures, operating at global scale and lightning speed. So though recent discussion of “deep” AI showing limitations at its fraying edges and reports of general VC investment being down 36% have emerged, it is clear the technology will remain prominent in our lives for the foreseeable."

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    He continued: "Indeed, mechanical decision-making developing into permanent social infrastructure is the culmination of a process started long ago and shows little signs of slowing down. It is for this reason that the onus is on us, as an industry to self-govern and formulate a framework for responsible and sustainable AI development."

    "Today, categorical and quantitative reasoning about people, and injection of that reasoning into algorithmic models of society, doesn’t just go on in thinktank studies. It is a ubiquitous, active and autonomous phenomenon, carried out by AI in our daily lives, from predictions of our online habits to mediation of our social interactions, with immediate and impactful real-world effects."

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    "During this time of AI reappraisal, our challenge is to clarify that dividing line, and begin to design not just new AI, but our ongoing relationship with it. This is a collective responsibility and will be examined as such as the leading Artificial Intelligence conference convenes those involved in AI development, application, policy, and regulation together next month. As conference keynote, I will explore this relationship of trust, balance, and innovation."

    Robert will be the keynote speaker at AI Con, an event hosted by Kainos which will investigate the adoption of Artificial Intelligence across society. To find out more, click here.

    Source: Written from press release

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