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  • Nutritionist Jamie Wright speaks to Sync NI about why it's so important to eat healthy throughout the work day.

    What’s the fundamental of a successful career?

    Your health!

    One of the best ways to stay healthy and productive in the workplace is to eat right.

    Having a healthy lunchbox and snacks on hand can help you stay fuelled during the day, keeping you focused and feeling your best. When you pair this with a production and health focused routine, you’ll start to see your work quality, as well as your general quality of life, flourish.

    In the previous article we spoke about planning ahead and forming a healthier routine; part of that was setting yourself meal, snack, sleep and movement times.

    In this article we’ll talk about the choices you can make to ensure you’re eating nutritious, satisfying meals and snacks throughout the day (within that routine you’ve built) and why it’s important to do so.

    Building a better lunchbox

    Your lunchbox should be built around three core principles; purpose, practicality and, last but not least, fun!


    The purpose of a lunchbox (or any meal really) is to provide you with the nutrients you need (in the right amounts) for a healthier life.

    A wonderfully designed lunchbox will have;

    -          Roughly a palm sized portion of protein

    -          Roughly a palm sized portion of fruit and or veg

    -          Roughly a closed fist sized portion of carbohydrates

    -          And roughly a thumb sized portion of fats

    Protein helps to regulate our hunger and blood sugar meaning we can focus better and it feels like we have more “energy”.

    Plants are packed full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients we need to feel better and to be healthier (it’s important you find foods that you enjoy when it comes to plants and there’s no point driving yourself to misery shovelling in leaf after leaf as it’ll only ruin your relationship with food and lead to pent up cravings and urges).

    Carbohydrates are, aside from delicious, our body’s primary energy source; it’s important we focus on slower digesting carbohydrate food sources however (such as wholegrains) as faster digesting carbohydrate food sources (such as starchy and sugary foods) can lead to spikes in blood sugars followed by even greater corrective dips (ultimately resulting in energy slumps!).

    Finally, fats; these are used in the production of hormones, in cellular structures, for energy and to protect our organs (to name a few of the key roles of fat in our body). It’s important we have predominantly healthy fats (such as those found in plants and oily fish) as these are better for our brain, heart and overall health. Again, not just focusing on you in the workplace but you at home too!

    A few healthy, purposeful lunchbox examples would be;

    -          A salmon fillet with diced bell pepper, mange tout, noodles and some crushed cashews

    -          A baked tofu wrap with apple slices and peanut butter

    -          Lean turkey breast with baked sweet potato and a side salad with olive / chilli oil dressing


    Practicality is critically important too as having a list of practical lunchbox options for you will ensure the stability and consistency of you opting for these healthier choices.

    You want to minimize the hurdle of achievement and you’re not vying for a Michelin star; it really shouldn’t take you any longer than five to ten minutes the night before to prepare your lunchbox. Doing some batch prep once or twice a week can be incredibly helpful too but you shouldn’t be expecting yourself to set hours aside every night crafting a culinary masterpiece. It’s simply not sustainable.


    Yes, fun!

    Your lunchbox shouldn’t be something to dread, or glare at angrily as you ogle others much tastier looking alternatives. It should be fun and it should be something to look forward to. To make it fun, why not try;

    -          A new recipe

    -          A new texture or ingredient

    -          An exotic cuisine

    -          Time spent being grateful for the work you’ve done creating this meal and the purpose of it

    Learn to love a healthier lunchtime and lunchbox; it’s the pivot point of a productive day and can make all the difference between you nailing down a wonderful working day or feeling “woe is me” come end of day.


    Your snacks are simply a miniature version of your meals and should be timed with purpose and productivity in mind.

    You ideally want to distribute them evenly throughout your working day but really targeting the times you know you feel more physically hungry or have those midday “energy slumps”.

    Snacks are a fantastic time to fit in extra protein and plants too! Why not try;

    -          A protein bar

    -          A portion of fruit

    -          Hummus and carrot / celery / pepper sticks

    -          Greek yoghurt and blueberries

    -          Apple slices and peanut butter

    Concluding remarks

    How you fuel yourself during the working day matters and is a critical factor in you winning the day. Always remember to;

    - Plan ahead: Pack your lunchbox the night before or in the morning so you're not tempted by unhealthy vending machine options.

    - Stick to whole foods: Fill your lunchbox with items like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods that are high in sugar and salt.

    - Bring your own snacks: If you get hungry between meals, have some healthy snacks on hand to tide you over until your next meal. Options like fruit, nuts, and yogurt are perfect for this.

    Following these tips will help you make healthy eating a habit in the workplace, keeping you productive and healthy all day long.

    Jamie Wright (MSc, BSc, ANutr) is an accredited nutritionist and head of Balance; a team of fully qualified nutritionists and dieticians. The team at Balance works with everyone from office workers to Olympians to help them achieve their diet related goals. Balance specializes in supporting men and women in becoming their healthiest, happiest selves through expert-led, one to one evidence based nutrition coaching as well as workshops and seminars.

    About the author

    Aoife is a Sync NI writer with a previous background working in print, online and broadcast media. She has a keen interest in all things tech related. To connect with Aoife feel free to send her an email or connect on LinkedIn.

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