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Sync NI's Top Tech Newsmakers 2023


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  • As we near the end of 2023, we take a look back at the biggest names in this year's tech headlines here in Northern Ireland.

    Sinead McCloskey – Danske Bank

    Sinead is Co-Chair of Danske Bank’s Gender Diversity Network and is a digital specialist with 18 years’ experience covering strategic, operations, project and product management, commercial and regulatory credentials. She spoke with Sync NI about how Danske Bank are demonstrating its commitment to bringing more women into tech roles: Improving gender diversity is key to addressing tech talent shortages

    Pete Wilson – CGI

    Pete is the Programme and Delivery Director at CGI here in Northern Ireland, who has over 30 years of tech delivery experience. Recently, we spoke with him about his focus on bringing the latest advanced technologies to ensure CGI’s clients can remain both relevant and competitive: “Shaping” the 4th Industrial Revolution with CGI

    Rob McConnell - Expleo

    Rob is Head of Expleo NI, a Board Level Director of Expleo Ireland and currently holds a global role across growing markets, supporting clients with solutions and services in verticals including Insurance, Banking, Automotive, Aerospace, Government and Utilities. Rob featured in our Tech Trailblazers, outlining his journey and the different aspects of his role: Tech Trailblazer: Rob McConnell

    Aislinn Rice – Analytics Engines

    Aislinn is Managing Director at Analytics Engines who recently hosted the Big Data Belfast conference. Take a look at her recent interview where she introduced this year’s event: Big Data Belfast returns with amazing speakers and thought-provoking topics

    Caitroina McCusker – PwC

    Caitroina is Regional Market Leader at PwC Northern Ireland and also works as their Education Consulting Leader. She spoke with us last year about her new role at PwC and returning home to Northern Ireland: Q&A with PWC’s Cat McCusker


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