Version 1 Named as Integration Partner for Land and Property Services (LPS)


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  • Version 1 has been awarded a three-year contract by the Land and Property Services (LPS) in Northern Ireland to support the Department of Finance’s ongoing programme of Digital Transformation.

    Aimed at delivering digitally-integrated solutions, systems and outcomes to enable LPS to meet its strategic goals, Version 1 will provide services and solutions comprising of Enterprise Architecture, Data Management, Software Development, Application Support, Spatial Support, Business Support and Strategic Advice and Guidance.

    The contract is for an initial three-year period, with two optional extension periods of two years each. Version 1 is the lead organisation in delivering the contract, with strategic partner 1Spatial also included in the winning bid.

    RELATED: Version 1: ‘An incredible journey in uncertain times’

    Speaking about the integration, Tom O’Connor, CEO at Version 1, said: “LPS has been our customer for many years and this contract win is a great endorsement of the full range of capabilities Version 1 has to offer, and how embracing Digital Transformation and technologies can improve public sector services. This contract is of major significance to our growth in Northern Ireland and a true testament to the talent of our people and unique partnership approach.”

    Nigel McVittie, LPS NOVA Programme Director, also added: "This is a key strategic partnership for LPS which is central to both digital transformation and the realisation of the LPS NOVA Programme vision to provide customer centric services.”

    About the author

    Aoife is a Sync NI writer with a previous background working in print, online and broadcast media. She has a keen interest in all things tech related. To connect with Aoife feel free to send her an email or connect on LinkedIn.

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