StopCovid NI app has almost 230k downloads

  • Since going live, the ‘StopCOVID NI’ app has had almost 230,000 downloads in Northern Ireland, according to the Department of Health.

    Health Minister Robin Swann is now urging those who have already got the app to share it with family and friends.

    He said: “We know the app is not a silver bullet in the battle against Covid-19 but it is an important weapon in our armoury. The app works by alerting users if they have been in close contact with someone who has added a positive test result to their app, thereby helping break the chains of transmission and helping to stop the virus in its tracks.

    “However, as we have come to recognise, our efforts against this disease are most effective when we work as a collective and the app is no different.

    RELATED: StopCOVID NI app doesn't work on older iPhones

    “If you have already downloaded it, you are already helping protect your family and friends. Now ask your friends to do the same for you and your family. The more of us that are using the app, the more protection it gives us all.

    “I would encourage everyone who has the app on their phone, to open it and hit the ‘Share this App’ button today. Share it far and wide with your contacts across Northern Ireland.”

    The app is interoperable with the contact-tracing app being currently used in the Republic of Ireland and the Department of Health added it is also highly likely to be compatible with apps introduced in future across the UK and Europe.

    The ‘StopCOVID NI’ app is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.

    About the author

    Niamh is a Sync NI writer with a previous background of working in FinTech and financial crime. She has a special interest in sports and emerging technologies. To connect with Niamh, feel free to send her an email or connect on Twitter.

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