ABC Council businesses join fight against COVID-19


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  • Photo: A worker from Fergusons Irish Linen in Banbridge making face masks for NHS workers

    Over 400 companies have received help from the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council Covid-19 Business Support team to help in the fight against coronavirus.

    Contract development and manufacturing organisation Almac Group is providing urgent support for over ten separate crucial research projects into COVID-19 treatment options, for a variety of global pharmaceutical companies. 

    Medtech Healthcare Analytics is using digital and sensor technologies to optimise the deployment of healthcare assets in hospitals and the community.

    Many businesses have switched production where possible to produce key items needed by health workers.

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    Fergusons Irish Linen from Banbridge has been making face masks and Blenheim Fabrics from Portadown has donated material to help make medical scrubs.

    Others have been helping people stay at home, such as the Traditional Pilates Centre in Banbridge which is live-streaming virtual Pilates classes.

    Social enterprise Healthy Kidz - which works with schools to encourage more activity - has created an app and a ‘Global Challenge’ to keep children active and maintain wellbeing while staying at home.

    Studyseed, another local social enterprise, has moved its educational tutorials online to support young people’s studies.

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    Southern Regional College is now delivering many full-time and higher education courses online and its employees are working remotely to support applications for next years’ enrolment.

    The borough’s food and drink producers – including Irwin’s Bakery and Moy Park – are ensuring efficient production.

    Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Mealla Campbell said: “Not only are we lucky enough to have vibrant and innovative businesses in our borough they are also willing to help fight one of the biggest threats the world has ever faced.

    “I am proud that so many of our companies and people have stepped up when they are needed most and know that their efforts are playing a big part in Northern Ireland’s fight against the virus.

    “On behalf of everyone in the borough, we thank them for their selfless acts, now and in the future.”

    Any ABC business needing support should visit

    RELATED: NI's business community: 'Public and private sectors must collaborate to stem cashflow crisis'

    Source: Written from press release

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