NI tech founders invited to apply for Propel pre-accelerator programme


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  • Photo: Programme Manager Chris McClelland from Ignite at the 2019 Propel pitching showcase.

    A six-month pre-accelerator programme for aspiring tech founders in Northern Ireland is now inviting applications, which will close on 8th November.

    Propel 2020 starts in January and takes up to 20 founders with early stage ventures and fledgling business ideas. The programme states it helps them shape their products and build their tech start-ups into viable businesses.

    Ran by IgniteNI and supported by Invest NI, the programme is looking for exciting early stage tech or knowledge economy companies that are in development or have only just launched, as well as people working in existing tech jobs who are keen to make their side project or business idea a reality. 

    The companies who secure a place on the programme will each receive a £15,000 grant and 12 months free co-working space at Ormeau Baths, with the opportunity to meet more than 300 mentors, founders and investors.

    Ignite Managing Director Tristan Watson with Katie Cavanagh from Beosense, one of the founders on the 2019 Propel programme.

    During the programme IgniteNI say teams will get the opportunity to explore other markets, attend weekly workshops with experts, pitch to investors and access a network of over 500 Ignite alumni founders who between them have raised more than $100m.

    Teams that excel in the programme also have the chance to add an extra £20,000 in funding by winning awards.

    Chris McClelland, Programme Director of IgniteNI, said: “It’s our third year and we are celebrating over 100 founders being through the Ignite NI programmes. This exceptional group of people is a powerful network, sharing incredible insights of what it takes to build a company today. It‘s an exciting time to start a business and we really hope to help make 2020 a massive year for startups in Northern Ireland.”

    Ignite NI are holding office hours every Monday and Tuesday in Belfast and will be in Derry/Londonderry on 2nd October and Newry later in the month. For details check out IgniteNI on Twitter or Linked In.

    To apply for the Ignite NI Propel programme, please visit Applications for the Ignite NI Propel programme close on 8th November 2019

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