MTech.Academy teams up with The BT Ireland Innovation Centre


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  • The BT Ireland Innovation Centre (BTIIC) is teaming up with the MTech.Academy

    The BT Ireland Innovation Centre (BTIIC) is teaming up with the MTech. Academy to send 100 secondary school students from Northern Ireland to the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next year. 

    BTIIC is one of ten industry partners who will be helping ten NI schools get to grips with intelligent connectivity, 5G and Artificial Intelligence and the impact technology is having on our lives, work and cities.

    Over the coming months, students and teachers will learn how Belfast is adopting smart city tech and find out about the benefits and challenges.

    BTIIC Chair, Mark O’Flaherty, says:  “We are living in a digital age and we want to inspire young people to do more than just consume technology and instead become the technologists and innovators of the future.  That’s why the Innovation Centre team here in Belfast is delighted to be teaming up with MTech.Academy and like-minded organisations who want to bridge the gap between the world of education and industry. 

    “We’re looking forward to seeing the smart city ideas that our local Year 10 students come up with and watching them impress the judges in Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress in June.”


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