Slice Sync NI

Page Information

  • Posted On: May 22, 2018
  • Views: 541
  • Category: Technology
  • Description: Local pizzerias are the cornerstone of communities across the country. They handcraft the one food that unites us all: pizza. It fuels our celebrations, family dinners, and busiest days. While pizza lovers crave their favorite local pie, they also crave convenience. This has led people to sacrifice the quality, authentic food of mom-and-pop shops for quick and easy chain pizza. But we believe nobody needs to make that sacrifice. You can have your pie and eat it too. Slice is uniting and empowering local pizzerias with tech, data, and marketing to take charge of their industry, to bring their business into the digital world, and to provide handcrafted, quality pizza with the utmost convenience. Unlike other online ordering services that drive down a pizzeria’s quality and value by charging high order fees, Slice builds a true partnership for a fair cost. We treat our pizzerias like family — with full support, transparency, and championship. This allows shops to expand their business while focusing only on creating the best food imaginable. Better pizza for pizza lovers, bigger profits for pizzerias, and a better experience for all.
  • Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

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